Russia Cup 2022

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Individual result for

Тимур Рамазанов, Самара

Category: Men
Rank: 1

R1 R2 R3 R4
1Passages1 1 1 1
2Pipe1 1 1 1
3Sloped circle with kidney1 3 1 1
4Lightning2 1 1 2
5Flat loop1 1 2 1
6Loop1 1 1 1
7Straight lane with target window3 1 1 2
8Truncated cones2 1 2 1
9Labirinth1 1 1 1
10Sticks1 1 1 1
11Sloped circle without obstacles2 1 2 1
12V-obstacle1 1 1 1
13Wedge with target window2 2 3 1
14Volcano1 1 1 1
15Pyramids2 1 1 1
16Middle hill1 1 1 1
17Angle2 1 1 1
18Plato1 1 1 1

Sum 26 21 23 20
Average: 22,5
Total result: 90

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